Padres y Madres Separados

Ayuda práctica, jurídica y psicológica padres, madres, separados, divorciados e hijos

Primer Congreso Internacional de Familia

This is an invitation (see word attachments) to attend or participate in the First International Family Congress, 9-11 August 2006, supported by the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City, an institution which has reflected the concerns of parents' groups, given access to its facilities as well as participating actively in bringing such discussions into being. This model of professional, parents' group and legislative solidarity seems quite frequent in the Ibero-American world, and gives the pleasure of seeing people communicating in an often very constructive way.

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International Project for Family Law Reform UK, 24th-25th June 2006 Context · Who?: those who think that children need both parents · What?: One of a series of European meetings to form a family civil rights/equal-parenting lobby network for Europe, so far including individuals/groups from Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, UK, Holland · Where?: Norwich, UK The UK encounter of 24th-25th June is the first of three, a scene-setting meeting looking for common positions in Britain and Europe-wide for parents’ groups and individuals interested in family law reform. Use of the internet, together with the ease of foreign travel, has allowed strong patterns of information-sharing to develop across Europe and further afield. Now we need to look at using this and other resources more effectively to help build a durable family rights platform in Europe. This is the main target over the next six months, with three core meetings planned, this short-notice UK agenda-setting meeting at the end of June, followed by a meeting in Brussels at the end of August and a conference in Spain at the beginning of November. By the end of the year, the ambition is to have set up a communications backbone which allows for consistent and reliable information to be passed between key lobbyists and activists in each European country, as well as stronger consensus and mutual understanding between members of this network. To make our voice heard in Europe we cordially invite representatives from a cross-section of Parent Groups in the UK and in Europe to assist us by attending these intergroup meetings and participating in this European movement. Yours sincerely, John Baker ( FNF Chair UK ) Ghislain Duchateau ( , Belgium ) Julian Fitzgerald ( EuroDads&Mums UK) Ian Julian ( FNF Trustee, UK ) Antonio Díaz Piñeiro ( ayudafamiliasseparadas Spain )